Privacy and Terms of Service


ControlloCasa (below ‘CC’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘there’) is committed to protecting users’ privacy on ControlloCasa is aware that the trust afforded by users requires comprehensive and responsible privacy protections and is therefore committed to providing a positive, seamless and secure online experience to users. ControlloCasa is aware of the need to ensure the confidentiality of information deemed private by you. The user can therefore count on the maximum commitment to the protection of privacy by ControlloCasa. ControlloCasa is also required to cooperate with law enforcement agencies and other public bodies responsible for protecting public welfare, where the interests and safety of individuals or the nation are at risk. In cases where such cooperation is required, ControlloCasa ensures full compliance with the law, and subject to the most stringent controls. This ControlloCasa Privacy Statement (below ‘Privacy Statement’ or ‘Statement’) focuses on protecting the privacy of web customers and visitors nationally and internationally. Where applicable, ControlloCasa is required to comply with laws whose requirements differ from the principles of this Policy. In some jurisdictions, ControlloCasa may adopt a separate Privacy Statement that reflects the requirements of existing local laws. Topics covered in the Privacy Statement:

1. Retrieved Info

All information entered during the submission of forms or orders through ControlloCasa websites can be collected and stored in our database. In order to better define the type of information collected, they have been identified and grouped into three categories: a) Personal data; b) General and non-specific demographics; c) Private information about the customer’s network Personal data Personal data is collected, including data provided directly by the user or acquired in the scope of the relationships between the user and ControlloCasa, as well as those obtained from other sources. Personal data, as defined by this Privacy Statement, consists of information that can be used to identify the user, e.g. name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and other data required for the service, delivery of a product, or assistance to the user. Demographics that are not general-specific Any non-personal data entered by the user or recorded in the scope of a transaction is considered demographic data and not general specific. Such information that does not contain personal data may include the experience with ControlloCasa products, such as type and quantity; of purchased products, web browsers and operating system, identity of the Web page from which you passed to the ControlloCasa website, as well as any other demographics such as qualification, education, employment, and professional interests, which do not allow the personal identification of the user. This information is typically collected through cookies, web logs, and web beacons. Log files Like most websites, we automatically collect some information that is stored in log files. This information can include Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), reference/exit pages, operating system, date and time, and/or clickstream data. This automatically obtained log information can be combined with other information collected on user in order to improve the site’s services, marketing, analytics, or functionality. Private information about the customer’s network If ControlloCasa provides telecommunications services to the user, private information on the customer’s network may be collected and managed. This information may include the types of telecommunications services received, usage data, user IDs and passwords, billing information, and transactions.

2. Purpose of the retrieved data

To provide users with the best possible online experience, both personal and non-personal data are collected that allow us to better understand demographic and geographic profiles. The information collected is carefully reviewed to identify the products that are of greatest interest to your users, provide users with updates on new services and benefits, customize our website for users, and better design products and sites according to the needs of your users. By registering the IP address through the site we can understand the types of products, services and information of greatest interest to the user. ControlloCasa canalso occasionally use that data to provide information or promotions related to different geographic and demographic dynamics. Occasionally, ControlloCasa can send surveys to user surveys via email or online through our websites in order to request feedback on desired improvements to products, services and/or websites. Participation in such surveys is absolutely voluntary and does not involve sending personal or general data. The refusal to participate in surveys does not result in any penalty regarding customer relations with ControlloCasa . If you don’t want to receive notifications from subsequent surveys, you can click the link at the bottom of all promotional messages to request the exclusion from notifications in the future. In some cases, ControlloCasa can combine Web usage information related to user access to websites with personal data. The combined information is used to provide customers and web visitors with a better online experience through custom features, services and announcements. The resulting combined data is protected as personal in the modalities described by this Statement. ControlloCasa can occasionally offer the user the ability to create personal profile areas and view protected content. Personal data and/or other information may be required for these purposes. If the user contacts ControlloCasa via the ‘Contacts’ page of the site or by e-mail, phone or paper correspondence, the contents of the communications may be stored for future use in the ControlloCasa contact database.

3. Ways to share the gathered data

Your personal data is not sold, exchanged, or rented to third parties unless the user authorizes these transactions and except in the specific cases outlined in this Statement. Personal data can be shared to the ControlloCasa for data processing or storage purposes. ControlloCasa can also provide personal data to trusted partners acting on behalf of ControlloCasa or With ControlloCasa inscope of specific confidentiality agreements. These companies can use personal data to allow ControlloCasa to notify the user offers of ControlloCasa and other marketing partners. However, these companies do not have independent rights to authorise them to disclose user information. In cases where ControlloCasa uses third parties to processing of users’ personal data, they are required to process the data in the most serious; strict compliance with the instructions provided and in accordance with this Statement and other measures to ensure security and confidentiality. ControlloCasa disclaims any responsibility; in relation to third parties to whom it is provided or who have collected the data in the modalities allowed by this Privacy Statement. ControlloCasa can respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal proceedings by revealing users’ personal data and other related information if that is required by law or by applicable regulations. ControlloCasa can also use the personal data of the user to assert or exercise their legal rights or defend against disputes. ControlloCasa may disclose personal data and other information available for the purpose of investigating, preventing, or taking action in connection with illegal activities, suspicions of fraud, situations of potential danger to the physical safety of any person, including ControlloCasa employees, violations of the terms of use of ControlloCasa or for other reasons required by law or regulations in force. ControlloCasa is committed to respecting and protecting private information on the customer’s network. Except for legal or authorized cases by the, User Control, ControlloCasa does not sell, exchange, or share private information about the customer’s network, including call logs, with parties outside ControlloCasa, or with persons not authorized to represent ControlloCasa in the offering products or services, or in the performing functions on behalf of ControlloCasa . Typically, ControlloCasa can use private information about the customer’s network for the purpose of delivery of purchased services, including billing and collection for those services. ControlloCasa can also use or disclose private information about the customer’s network to offer telecommunications services of the same type already; purchased by user at ControlloCasa . ControlloCasa can also use or disclose information about the client’s network for legal or regulatory reasons, for example in response to court orders or subpoenas, or to investigate fraud and prevent the illegal use of ControlloCasa networks and services. ControlloCasa can also use the customer’s network information to protect other users. ControlloCasa requires the user to opt-in to sharing personal data with third parties for all purposes not described in this document or otherwise required for legal or regulatory compliance purposes. Circumstances may arise in which, for strategic or other commercial reasons, ControlloCasa decides to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize units; corporate units in some countries. Such transactions may include the disclosure of personal data to potential or actual buyers or the receipt of such data from sellers. ControlloCasa works to ensure adequate protection for the information affected by such types of operations. The user will receive an e-mail notification and/or a notice that is clearly visible through the ControlloCasa website about any changes to the property; and the use of their personal information, as well as the choices available about their data.

4. User choice

The user can contribute to ensuring that your contact and preference information is accurate, complete and up-to-date by logging into your ControlloCasa account. ControlloCasa does not share or use personal data obtained or received online in a manner contrary to this Policy without first giving notice to the and offer the latter the pportunity of choice. The user can choose to stop receiving promotional messages by following the unsubscribe instructions included in those messages. If the user does not wish to be included in the distribution list, he can choose the exclusion at any time by sending an email to . If ControlloCasa has to share the data with third parties not authorized to act on behalf of ControlloCasa or not constrained by this Privacy Statement, do not proceed with this privacy policy; without first obtaining permission from the user.

5. Ways to use the automatic gathering data tool

Detection technologies Technologies such as cookies, beacons, tags and scripts are used by ControlloCasa and our partners (e.g. marketing partners), related companies or service or analytics providers (e.g., online customer service providers). These technologies are used for trend analysis, site management, useruser movement detection on the site and to collect demographic information on our user base. We may receive reports on the use of these technologies on an individual or aggregate basis. We use cookies for authentication, to remember the settings and profile of the user (e.g.: preferred language). The user can adjust use of cookies at the individual browser level. If you reject cookies, the user can still use the site, but with possible limitations on the use of some features or areas of the site.

The user can request the deletion of his data at any time by sending an email to the following address:

6. Ways to protect personal data

ControlloCasa takes a number of physical, electronic and procedural precautions to protect the personal data. When a user ordain services through our website, ControlloCasa adopts the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Internet encryption protocol that ensures the protection of personal data. The SSL protocol also implemented to (i) safeguard account information, and (ii) protect all logs of device settings and online services. ControlloCasa constantly reviews its policies and implements additional security features as technologies progress. However, no system or service can guarantee absolute security, especially if they are services based even partially on the Internet. Therefore, by using ControlloCasa services and websites, the user accepts the risk that third parties may gain unauthorized access to their data. In the event of a security breach that creates a risk of identity theft; or disruption of service, ControlloCasa will perform any reasonable attempt to inform the user. The user must be aware that the transmission of data online is not completely secure. ControlloCasa not can guarantee total protection and security of data; you can only ensure that we take any reasonable action to protect the information sent electronically. The risks associated with data transmission are borne by the user. Where relevant, the user canget access to sections of the site that require the entering a password. responsibility of the user ensure password protection and secrecy.

7. Correctness and access

ControlloCasa is committed to maintaining the correctness of the personal data of the user. In the event of changes in personal data, or if the user no longer wishes to receive services from ControlloCasa, the user has the option to correct, update, modify, delete/remove or deactivate this data or contact us via this link. ControlloCasa will respond to access requests within 30 days. ControlloCasa retains; information from the user finch the account remains active or for as long as it takes to provide the services. ControlloCasa will retain and use the information of the with legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce contracts. Links to third-party websites on the ControlloCasa site are provided exclusively for convenience; of the user. Visiting these links you exit the ControlloCasa site. ControlloCasa does not verify third-party sites and has no control and no control; therefore, responsible for those sites, their content, or their privacy policies. If you are prompted on those sites or for the services provided by those sites to provide information, you should carefully read the applicable privacy policy to privacy statement before providing any data. ControlloCasa does not support it makes statements of any kind regarding third-party sites or information, software or other products and materials available there or about the results obtained using those sites. The risks are borne by the user.

8. Validity Date and updating of Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement effective January 1, 2016 and replaces all previously published privacy policies. ControlloCasa reserves the right to update this Privacy Statement from time to time. When the Statement is substantially updated, a notice is posted on the website along with the updated privacy

9. Commitment of the company to protect user privacy

To ensure the protection of personal information, ControlloCasa communicates the privacy policy and security guidelines to its employees and ensures the strict protection of privacy at the company. ControlloCasa will be happy to respond to any concerns from users about their privacy practices and policies. If you have any questions or clarifications about the Privacy Statement or the ControlloCasa data processing, please contact us.

10. Warranty and Assistance Conditions

The USBy device is covered by the legal warranty for manufacturing defects and malfunctions for a period of 2 years
Components subject to deterioration (eg LED component) are not covered by the Warranty.
The Warranty is void in the event of:
– accidental breakage of the device;
– tampering with the device
The shipment of the device for repair or replacement is charged to the customer.
The shipment of the repaired or replaced device is at the expense of ControlloCasa srl.

11. Terms of the Power Failure Alert Service

The power failure alert service via email is free.

The power failure alert service provides for the sending of an email in the event of a power failure equal to or greater than 5 minutes and another email when the power is restored.

The free alert service provides for the sending of a maximum of 6 emails (power failure warning, power restoration warning, short power failure warning) per day.

The level of the free email notification service may vary for reasons beyond the ControlloCasa Srl’s control such as, for example, increases in the costs of IT infrastructures, increases in energy costs or anything not expressly indicated here which could create a significant increase in the operating costs of the service.

In the event of a change, the user will be informed 15 days before the new level of service takes effect.

Furthermore, the technologies on which the free service is based are subject to changes and/or updates by third parties which in the future could make the device for the power failure warning not compatible with the new technologies/infrastructures adopted.

In order to take advantage of the free power failure email alert service, users must be in possession of the USBy device and have a stable Internet line

12. CALL-ME Service Conditions

1) Description of the CALL-ME Service
The CALL-ME Service provides for the user to receive a telephone call from our Operations Center in the event of power outages longer than or equal to 10 minutes. The annual cost of the CALL-ME Service is as offered on the website and includes a maximum of 100 phone calls per year to a European telephone number (landline or mobile phone)
In order to use the CALL-ME Service, users must have a USBy device and have a stable Internet line

2) Duration and Cancellation
The CALL-ME Service automatically ceases after one calendar year from its activation. At any time, you may request the renewal of the Service or its cancellation by sending an email to the following address:

In case of subscription cancellation request before and not later than 14 days from the activation of the service, in any case it is foreseen a deactivation cost of 5 Euro (VAT included).

13. Conditions of the TEMP-ALARM Service

1) Description of the TEMP-ALARM Service
The TEMP-ALARM Service provides for the receipt by the user of an email from our Operations Center in case of exceeding of the configured temperature thresholds.
The annual cost of the TEMP-ALARM Service is as per the offer on the website
In order to use the TEMP-ALARM Service, users must be in possession of a USBy v3 (or higher version) device and provided with a stable Internet line

2) Duration and Cancellation
The TEMP-ALARM Service automatically ceases after one calendar year from its activation. At any time, the user can request the renewal of the Service or its cancellation by sending an email to the following address:

In case of subscription cancellation request before and not later than 14 days from the activation of the service, in any case it is foreseen a deactivation cost of 5 Euro (VAT included).

14. Conditions of the Email@2 Service

1) EMAIL@2 Service Description

The EMAIL@2 Service provides for the sending of power outage and/or restoration notices from our Operations Center to a second email address chosen by the Customer.

The annual cost of the EMAIL@2 Service is as per the offer on the website

In order to use the EMAIL@2 Service, users must have a USBy v3 device (or higher version) and have a stable Internet line

2) Duration and Cancellation

The EMAIL@2 Service ends automatically after one calendar year from its activation. At any time, the user can request the renewal of the Service or its cancellation by sending an email to the following address:

In the event of cancellation no later than 14 days from activation, a fixed deactivation cost of 5 Euros (VAT included) is in any case foreseen.

15. Conditions of the EmailNoLimit Service

1) Description of the EmailNoLimit Service

The EmailNoLimit Service has no daily limit to the number of power failure and/or restoration alerts sent by our Operations Centre.

The annual cost of the EmailNoLimit Service is as per the offer on the website

In order to use the EmailNoLimit Service, users must have a USBy v3 device (or higher version) and have a stable Internet line

2) Duration and Withdrawal

The EmailNoLimit Service ceases automatically after one calendar year from its activation. At any time, the user can request the renewal of the Service or its cancellation by sending an email to the following address:

16. Conditions of the In-Time Service
1) Description of the In-Time Service
The In-Time Service provides for the sending of a power failure notice within 1 minute of the detection of this event by your USBy.
The annual cost of the In-Time Service is as per the offer on the website
In order to use the In-Time Service, users must have a USBy v3 device (or higher version) and have a stable Internet line
2) Duration and Withdrawal
The In-Time Service ceases automatically after one calendar year from its activation. At any time, the user can request the renewal of the Service or its cancellation by sending an email to the following address: